An updated  low-carb, grainfree version of the recipe I posted a few years ago, which included rice as part of the carb portion (and I no longer use rice, unless it is therapeutically necessary).
Note that this is a higher fat diet, and so may not be suitable for all dogs. Some may require lower fat/higher carb, this recipe is posted only as an example of a low-carb, balanced, cooked recipe for a dog of about 50 pounds.



The total energy is moderate, about midway between what I might use for a sedentary or geriatric 50 lb dog (about 6500 per week) and the high end, for a very active dog with a faster metabolism ( 9500 calories per week).,This recipe provides just under 8000. With weekly recipes that include eggs, I often suggest people leave them out of the big batch, and feed as treats.
There are no green vegetables included here, as I generally have clients try out the recipe for a week or two as is – green veggies, especially when added to a new diet, can contribute to loose stool – so first, we see how the dog does without the “garnish” – and then, I recommend small, rotated amounts of grated/pulped or cooked and chopped vegetables. I’m not a fan of heaping on a whole lot of vegetables, but they certainly provide significant health benefits, if not the best sources of nutrient for carnivores (and in some cases, pose anti-nutrient problems).
Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, all dark leafy greens, zucchini even cabbage, turnip and brussels sprouts, all in moderation.  I recommend trying your dog on one at a time – if you feed several all at once, and he experiences gas or diarrhea ,you won’t know if it’s the amount you fed,  or a specific type that caused it. Go easy adding them, and watch for response. Some dogs just don’t do well with certain veggies, or can only process a small amount. Get to know how your dog reacts. I’ll say it again; they’re individuals, just like we are. There is more on feeding veggies to come in a week or so.

All weights are for the cooked food, and I recommend using a food scale to be sure you’re measuring accurately.
Mix the following ingredients together well:

1) 16 cups ( 2240 grams) dark meat chicken, no skin – diced

2) 4 cups (1312 grams) peeled, boiled and mashed sweet potato

3) 2 cups (370 grams) quinoa (rinse several times prior to cooking)

4) 2 cups(290 grams) poached beef heart, diced

5) 3 cups ( 480 grams) green peas(frozen is fine)

6) 3 ounces (85 grams) poached and diced beef liver


Mix well, allow to cool and add the following supplements to the batch:

1) 7 level teaspoons of NOW calcium carbonate, or 4  and 3/4 level teaspoons of finely powdered eggshell

2) 200 mcgs of any quality selenium

3) 200 mgs of any quality magnesium citrate

4) 55 mgs of zinc meets the RA, but I’d probably go up to 60 or 75, as the copper is a little high and there is a fair bit of fiber. A little extra is not a problem, a little low can be.


Mix the supplements well into the batch, then divide into 7 portions of equal weight. each portion supplies one day of food for  a fifty pound dog. You should freeze, and then thaw/warm  4 or 5 days right away. I like to see dogs fed 2-3 times daily.

In addition to the supplements above, the following should be added daily, to the food just before serving.


1) Fish body oil – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon according to EPA/DHA content

2) 100 IU natural VitaminE

3) 500 mgs taurine

4) one B50 complex, as a little boost and insurance, 2-3 times a week. All the Bs are covered here except thiamin is a teeny bit low.

5) VitaminD3, I recommend using 400IUs three times a week with this recipe

Distribution of calories:
Protein:      42.8 %
Fat:          37.2 %
Carbohydrate:     20.1 %

And that’s it! Other supplements – probiotics, antioxidants, joint support and the afore-mentioned green veggies can all be added as well – one at a time, preferably,  and with careful selection (amounts, brands). We’ll talk about spring tonics as well as herbal support for the immune system, in upcoming entries – and a raw version of this sample diet as well.
