The Possible Canine
Devoted For Over 21 Years
Cat Lane, Dip. CFN, Chartered Herbalist
Since 2001 I have worked with around 8500 cases, averaging around 400 Full Service cases per year. The Full Service provides clients with an intensive diet and herbal consultation that involves the development of several recipes and herbal protocols and includes support during transition, as well as follow up to ensure the protocols are successful. In addition, I do online and in-person herbal consults of a more straightforward nature, which do not involve as much time as the intensive option, on average another 3oo to 400 per year. This includes proactive diets for healthy adult dogs, growth and senior diets, specialized dietary care for conditions including, but not limited to cancer, allergy, IBD, liver disease, kidney disease, uroliths of all types, osteoarthritis, various forms of heart disease, Cushing’s disease, Addison’s disease, diabetes, pancreatitis and obesity, as well as specialized diets for performance dogs. This work is not just my livelihood, but my passion and calling. I continue to update my knowledge with current courses, webinars and research, in order to provide clients with the most current findings in the very best interest of their dog.
The Possible Canine has been devoted to helping dog owners across the world manage a wide range of health conditions,with therapeutic diets and herbal protocols for every dog and condition.
Canine Nutritionist and Chartered Herbalist Catherine Lane offers comprehensive, individualized online consultations, as well as highly acclaimed online courses in both canine nutrition and herbalism for companion animals.
Announcing The Possible Canine Membership Hub
This is a Canine Nutrition and Herbalism Group. All members must be subscribed to this group to access content. All levels of knowledge are welcome, from beginner to advanced, or veterinarian. Join soon to take advantage of our fabulous community.

New Programs
Announcing The Possible Canine’s Kidney Recipe Service

Hello readers, I hope you are all enjoying good weather and great health these days. I am adjusting to my “new normal” following my back fractures, able to work again, if not as much as in years past, still full time! And after my break to recuperate
I have noted a few trends in social media, some of which are worrisome to me. Most of these I can’t do much about, but there are a few I can address, and today I’d like to respond to what I call the rise of the Bad Kidney Diet, by offering a very fairly priced professional recipe to anyone struggling with homemade recipes for their dogs with kidney disease. Honestly, I am just appalled a lot of the time when I look at the nutrient content of many generic kidney recipes offered for free online. Kidney disease is very responsive to nuanced, personalized nutrition, but 90% of the recipes I’ve actually taken time to analyze are problematic, often seriously so. Not to mention, recipes for kidney disease need to be personalized, according to the bloodwork/veterinary assessment as well as the individual – how she is eating, her energy level and weight – the overall history.
I can’t speak out on social media about this, so I decided to take action and offer you an alternative; hence, the new Kidney Recipe service. This service is geared to your unique dog – based on a full Intake form and email correspondence with you. The recipe goes much further than the lower protein, sodium and phosphorus versions most sites proclaim (and often are not even necessary in early stages) and offers some basic herbal recommendations – all for 75$.
Announcing The Possible Canine’s Wellness and Longevity Program
This new and comprehensive service is available as a support service with no recipes and also as a support service with up to three recipe options.

- NRC balanced, personalized raw or cooked recipes (one, two or three) which will feature foods your dog enjoys and are readily accessible to you, in a large and small batch version. I’m happy to do a raw and cooked version of the same recipe or one of each; it’s entirely up to you. I utilize a whole food approach but will supplement minimally on an as needed basis.
- Treat recipes, snack suggestions and beneficial food additions geared to your dog – activity level, age, breed tendencies, toxin exposure, constitutional type and many more factors
- One in-depth, personalized herb and supplement protocol – again, tailored to your dog’s unique tendencies and needs
- Write-up detailing my choices for your dog and why I made them; considerations for long term health
- My usual Information Files on ingredients, preparation methods, supplement choices, FAQs, and using herbs.
- One-month Check In to answer any questions/ adjust/review how your dog is doing. Can be an email exchange or phone session as you prefer.
How It Works
To start, I like to have an email or phone exchange about what you need and hope to gain, and to discuss any special concerns – for example, some clients like to emphasize ease of preparation and commonly available ingredients, others might like one easy prep version and one more complex. Once we know the Service is right for you, I will send you an Intake Form to fill in so I know everything germane to your dog, to guide me in creating the optimal plan I will be working up for him or her.
Next – I formulate your recipe(s) and send it on to you, with full detailed information on the content, a shopping list and my extensive Files on preparation, storage, substitutions and much more. I’ll send your Herbal Protocol at that time – personalized, based on my 30 years as a Traditional Western Herbalist and geared to your dog’s whole history and energetics (constitution), again with an information-packed file on using herbs safely and effectively, with multiple links on purchasing.
The last steps include sending your Treat Recipes and Recommendations, some easy to prep and some more involved, plus a list of flavonoid rich foods that can enhance your dog’s wellbeing, given his or her history and what’s in the recipes I built. I wrap up with a general commentary on long term health strategies, and why I made the choices I did, so you thoroughly understand the method and ingredients/herbs.
You are welcome to email me with questions anytime during this process, and I recommend a check-in after a month, to make sure everything is working well – at that time I can review the diet and make any adjustments that are indicated.
I need to emphasize this is NOT a therapeutic service, and works quite differently. If your dog is facing a health issue that requires a recipe/herbal protocol geared to management of any condition, the service you need is the Therapeutic Support Package. The Wellness Package is geared to the dog without any serious health issues, to improve wellbeing now and in the future/increase longevity and minimize common challenges that arise as dogs age.
I look forward to working with you!
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Canine Nutrition
Courses covering the foundation of nutritional understanding. Basics of canine nutrition, recipe formulation, and evaluation of feeding types (raw, commercial, home cooked)
Courses are ongoing and can be started at any time.
In depth courses covering recipes, practical exercises, and detailed information covering common ailments that provide solid grounding in animal herbalism.
Courses are ongoing and can be started at anytime.
Diet Formulation
This is a course intended for people who want to learn how to formulate a balanced canine diet, whether raw, cooked or a mixture, based on sound, scientific principles of canine nutrition.
Courses are ongoing and can be started at anytime.
The Possible Canine’s blog is unique in its depth of information regarding both nutrition and herbal medicine. The blog features foundational and advanced canine nutrition, recipes, herbs, and dietary strategies for all health conditions, prevention and maintenance in-depth herbal entries, including materia medica for dogs, herbal actions and energetics, home medicine making and more
Spring Update from Cat
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Herbs for Digestive Tract Support
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New Kidney Recipe Service
Hello readers, I hope you are all enjoying good weather and great health these days. I am adjusting to my “new normal” following my back fractures, able to work again, if not as much as in years past, still full time! And after my break to recuperate I have noted a...
A Common Sense Take on Purina
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So You Want to Be a Canine Nutritionist
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Summer 2023 – New Offerings
Hello Readers, fellow Herbies and dog lovers! It’s been a while since I blogged, but today I have two important announcements to make, so here we are. Today, I’d like to share with you, news about two new offerings from me, one a series of services, and the...
Contact Cat Lane
To contact, use the email below or fill out the contact form.
You can find information on the courses here.
You can find information on specific consultations here.