The Possible Canine’s Blog

Spring Update from Cat

Spring Update from Cat

Hello readers and friends – hope you are all enjoying a warm and beautiful spring, if it’s spring where you are, and a gorgeous autumn in other parts of the world. Spring has been late arriving here in West Quebec, but is here now and as always, glorious and...

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New Kidney Recipe Service

New Kidney Recipe Service

Hello readers, I hope you are all enjoying good weather and great health these days. I am adjusting to my “new normal” following my back fractures, able to work again, if not as much as in years past, still full time! And after my break to recuperate I have noted a...

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A Common Sense Take on Purina

A Common Sense Take on Purina

Hello Friends, well, after a long absence from this blog here’s a new entry out of the blue – I’m finding myself answering the same questions over and over on social media, so decided it would be quicker and more thorough to simply write a few lines here about the...

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Summer 2023 – New Offerings

Summer 2023 – New Offerings

Hello Readers, fellow Herbies and dog lovers! It’s been a while since I blogged, but today I have two important announcements  to make, so here we are. Today, I’d like to share with you, news about two new offerings from me, one a series of services, and the...

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Vitamin E for your Dog

Vitamin E for your Dog

Today’s post is about Vitamin E, an essential micronutrient that can be too low in home prepared diets, but can often be over-supplemented in other cases. Like all the essentials, getting the amount in the diet optimized is key to a truly gold standard nutrition...

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What is “Western Herbalism”

What is “Western Herbalism”

“Western herbs represent a treasure-trove of effective traditional medicines and the collected and refined experience of practitioners for over 2,500 years.” Jeremy Ross, author of Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine I want to say a few words about what I am...

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Happy 2022, and a Bit of an Update

Happy 2022, and a Bit of an Update

Happy 2022 to all my readers! we have all been through some tough times lately, in varying degrees, thank you COVID-19. I am no exception, although I have not been sick - I may have had Omnicron but if I did, it was mild - I do live an isolated life and am double...

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Herbal Cookies for your Dog

Herbal Cookies for your Dog

Another quick entry! I promised to share this recipe earlier today, on Facebook; I frequently refer to  the "medicine cookies" I make for Danny and a few folks have asked for the recipe. I'm happy to share, as this is more a method than a recipe and you can use it in...

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The Possible Canine’s Blog

Spring Update from Cat

Spring Update from Cat

Hello readers and friends – hope you are all enjoying a warm and beautiful spring, if it’s spring where you are, and a gorgeous autumn in other parts of the world. Spring has been late arriving here in West Quebec, but is here now and as always, glorious and...

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New Kidney Recipe Service

New Kidney Recipe Service

Hello readers, I hope you are all enjoying good weather and great health these days. I am adjusting to my “new normal” following my back fractures, able to work again, if not as much as in years past, still full time! And after my break to recuperate I have noted a...

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A Common Sense Take on Purina

A Common Sense Take on Purina

Hello Friends, well, after a long absence from this blog here’s a new entry out of the blue – I’m finding myself answering the same questions over and over on social media, so decided it would be quicker and more thorough to simply write a few lines here about the...

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Summer 2023 – New Offerings

Summer 2023 – New Offerings

Hello Readers, fellow Herbies and dog lovers! It’s been a while since I blogged, but today I have two important announcements  to make, so here we are. Today, I’d like to share with you, news about two new offerings from me, one a series of services, and the...

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Vitamin E for your Dog

Vitamin E for your Dog

Today’s post is about Vitamin E, an essential micronutrient that can be too low in home prepared diets, but can often be over-supplemented in other cases. Like all the essentials, getting the amount in the diet optimized is key to a truly gold standard nutrition...

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What is “Western Herbalism”

What is “Western Herbalism”

“Western herbs represent a treasure-trove of effective traditional medicines and the collected and refined experience of practitioners for over 2,500 years.” Jeremy Ross, author of Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine I want to say a few words about what I am...

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Happy 2022, and a Bit of an Update

Happy 2022, and a Bit of an Update

Happy 2022 to all my readers! we have all been through some tough times lately, in varying degrees, thank you COVID-19. I am no exception, although I have not been sick - I may have had Omnicron but if I did, it was mild - I do live an isolated life and am double...

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