Hello readers and friends – hope you are all enjoying a warm and beautiful spring, if it’s spring where you are, and a gorgeous autumn in other parts of the world. Spring has been late arriving here in West Quebec, but is here now and as always, glorious and exciting. My beloved backyard birds are returning, we can keep the windows open, and this year, despite my major health challenges, I have even started a few seeds – the easy-to-grow variety (Marshmallow, Calendula, Borage and a couple others). I am in recovery, as many of you know, from a catastrophic health crisis in late February – a crisis which nearly cost me my life, and was a deep learning experience about managing my time, taking care of my health (and that includes rest and activities that feed my soul, as well as work). It has left me filled with gratitude not only for my life, but for the work I do that nourishes me spiritually, as long as I don’t push myself into Overwhelm and Burnout. Judging by the popularity of articles on social media about “Grind Culture” and Burnout amongst small business owners, I am pretty sure many of you know what I mean.
So, I am getting back to work slowly – as always, I wish I could jump back headfirst and pick up the pace I was at before I collapsed, but I’m going to be smart this time and move gently into full time work. So – a big hello from me, and many thanks to all who donated to my GoFundMe, too! Loss of work is very challenging for me – so the fundraiser remains open – and, I am booking clients for 2 weeks ahead, but fewer than in past so I can be sure to manage my hours while providing optimal support for those who need me. As always, my Consultation Services are listed here: https://thepossiblecanine.com/consultations
And the fundraiser is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-to-raise-funds-to-support-cat-lane?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined
In aid of helping keep this little family afloat while I continue to recover, I have put our most popular course, The Basics of Canine Nutrition, on Sale at 50% off. Check the page for more info – a solid grounding in canine nutrition, a certificate, taught by an experienced professional – for $150…can’t beat that, if I say so myself. ????
Here’s the Link: https://thepossiblecanine.com/basics-of-canine-nutrition-courses-updated-information
Please consider sharing, if you’re not interested for yourself. Much appreciated.
For those interested in what happened to me – in a nutshell, a bleeding ulcer caused profound anemia, my hemoglobin was so low the doctors told me I was “on the verge of total heart failure” – it required 6 blood transfusions just to get me out of danger, and 5 weeks later I am still anemic, slowly building my levels, resting, and managing a very large duodenal ulcer. I’ll write more about his in future, as the whole thing was avoidable had I taken the time to get to the doctor before I was basically unable to stand. Self care is not all about bubble baths and days off, sometimes – yep, it’s a colonoscopy. ????
Thank you, all my readers, for your continued support. I am starting to whip the B2 newsletter together, for May, and working on curriculum for the Introduction to Canine Herbalism course. I look forward to continued better health, hopefully at work fulltime by the summer. Please take of your own health too, as well as your canine companions. <3 We are all connected, and our animal companions need us to be well.