Hello readers, I hope you are all enjoying good weather and great health these days. I am adjusting to my “new normal” following my back fractures, able to work again, if not as much as in years past, still full time! And after my break to recuperate I have noted a few trends in social media, some of which are worrisome to me.
Most of these I can’t do much about, but there are a few I can address, and today I’d like to respond to what I call the rise of the Bad Kidney Diet, by offering a very fairly priced professional recipe to anyone struggling with homemade recipes for their dogs with kidney disease. Honestly, I am just appalled a lot of the time when I look at the nutrient content of many generic kidney recipes offered for free online. Kidney disease is very responsive to nuanced, personalized nutrition, but 90% of the recipes I’ve actually taken time to analyze are problematic, often seriously so. Not to mention, recipes for kidney disease need to be personalized, according to the bloodwork/veterinary assessment as well as the individual – how she is eating, her energy level and weight – the overall history. I can’t speak out on social media about this, so I decided to take action and offer you an alternative; hence, the new Kidney Recipe service.
This service is geared to your unique dog – based on a full Intake form and email correspondence with you. The recipe goes much further than the lower protein, sodium and phosphorus versions most sites proclaim (and often are not even necessary in early stages) and offers some basic herbal recommendations – all for 75$.
In my opinion, an advanced condition is always best served by the Full Service – 5 hours of my time with at least 2 recipes, a full herbal protocol personalized to your dog, and support/follow-up as you transition. But if the full service is not what you’re seeking, tor your dog is at an early stage, this single recipe might be a perfect starting place for you. Once you have it, you will know what to feed, and why, and feel safe that you are doing your very best for your dog. You can add more hours later if you wish, and book time for me to develop a second recipe, adjust the first, and/or do a full herbal protocol. Many of my clients are dealing with unexpected vet bills after a surprise diagnosis, and just need something reliable and therapeutically viable for the dog to eat. It’s always a pleasure for me to hear back from these clients, that the dog is doing well, doing better, and the vet is impressed.
If you need this kind of help and support, I’m here, and we can get you started with a single recipe, a file full of kidney health/nutrition info, some basic herbal suggestions and four information files on foods, cooking/storage, the truth about supplementation and more.
Nutrition is very powerful in the management of canine kidney disease of any type, and the internet is full of “recipes” that may look good to the owner but upon analysis are very problematic. I look forward to helping you and your dog get on the right track, and onto an optimal, healing diet.
Medicinal Mushrooms can play a powerful role in the natural management of canine kidney disease, but as with all herbal medicine, the trick is always in knowing the correct dose, form and type to use.