A range of unique courses in canine nutrition, diet formulation, & herbalism.Nutrition
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Basics of Canine Nutrition- Full Certificate Course
This course is the foundation for all the others. Here we learn about canine nutrition from the ground up, starting with digestion, nutrients and food sources, basic nutrient requirements of dogs, as well as an evaluation of feeding types (commercial diet, raw diets and home cooked recipes).
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Basics of Canine Nutrition- Audit Version
This course is the foundation for all the others. Here we learn about canine nutrition from the ground up, starting with digestion, nutrients and food sources, basic nutrient requirements of dogs, as well as an evaluation of feeding types (commercial diet, raw diets and home cooked recipes).
Assignments are not marked.

Canine Diet Formulation- Full Certificate Course
This is a course intended for people who want to learn how to formulate a balanced canine diet, whether raw, cooked or a mixture, based on sound, scientific principles of canine nutrition. It includes a splid foundation of nutrients and components in the canine diet. You will learn to formulate a balanced recipe
Assignments are marked.

Canine Diet Formulation- Audit Version
This is a course intended for people who want to learn how to formulate a balanced canine diet, whether raw, cooked or a mixture, based on sound, scientific principles of canine nutrition. It includes a splid foundation of nutrients and components in the canine diet. You will learn to formulate a balanced recipe
Assignments are not marked.

Practical Herbalism Part One - Common Canine Conditions
You will find an absolute wealth of information here, including recipes, practical exercises you can do long after the course is finished, as well as detailed information about addressing common ailments at home with commercial or better yet, your own home made tinctures, electuaries, poultices and salves. I’ve structured this course to cover everything a home herbalist working with dogs will need on an everyday basis, but presented it system-by system, so those who wish to use this course as a foundation for deeper study will have a very solid grounding in not only herbal preparation and selection but the canine body systems and multiple common health issues and conditions.